The amount of time and effort you put into getting your home ready to sell can pay big financial dividends. Every seller wants a quick sale at the highest price. The best way to achieve this is by getting your home into the best condition you can to appeal to a buyer.
Here are some suggestions.
1) Look at your home logically and not emotionally. Of course there are a lot of emotions in sentiment tied up in your home. But that will not increase the value of a home to a buyer, so you must remove any emotion you have about your home as you get it ready. You are probably used to some of the flaws and probably don't even notice them anymore. Look at your home through the eyes of a buyer who is seeing it for the first time and trying to find all the flaws. Think like a marketing person and your home is just a product that you need to sell.
2) Remove as much personalization from your home as possible. Those stuffed animal heads on your wall have a lot of meaning for you as you relive your big game hunts with your friends. But the odds are they are going to turn off more buyers than they attract. Same thing with little Susie's artwork hanging all over her bedroom. They may be cute to you but not to a potential buyer who is trying to picture her bedroom as an office.
3) Remove clutter. Your goal is to make your home look like a model home, and not a home that people are living in. Decluttering the house will make the rooms, closets and garage look bigger and more appealing. Take out as much as your clutter as you can. If you need to rent a storage space, it will be well worth the investment.
4) Weigh the cost/benefits of any repairs that you do. Patching the walls, cleaning the carpet and a fresh coat of paint are good investments. But installing a swimming pool probably isn't.
5) Clean your home from top to bottom. Get your yard looking the best possible. Give the home as much curb appeal as can.
Whether you are selling your home in the Napa Valley or looking for a Napa Homes For Sale a good local real estate agent can help you.
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